Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Place Setting placemats

My husband and I recently had a very "intense discussion" about whether or not our five, four and two year olds should receive an allowance. We are NOT in agreement on this issue. In an effort to come to some sort of compromise, we will be instating the use of chore charts with goals such as "extra bike time" or "pick an extra book at bedtime". To this end, I am coming up with ways to give them some concrete responsibilities. They have always had to clean up their toys and they do toss their clothes in the laundry pile, but I wanted to add something that would help me at dinnertime. So we decided that they could set their own places at the table before dinner (and lunch). To make this easier, we made place setting placemats together! This craft spanned several days while the baby took his morning nap.

First I had them each choose two colors of large construction paper. (I did all the prep cutting and measuring at night after they were in bed.) I cut one of each of their papers into strips 1 1/2 inches wide, the short way. I cut the other color lengthwise with 1 1/2 inch slits. Be sure to leave at least 1 1/2 inches border uncut so the paper does not fall apart while weaving the papers together.

Second, I taught the kids how to weave the short paper strips onto the large paper. I recommend taping each strip on the back side of the paper as they finish each one. This prevents the strips from slipping out as you weave other pieces.

Third, we picked a plate and cup from the kitchen and each child traced the shapes onto white cardstock. They practiced their scissor skills and cut out their own tracings. Perfectionist moms: let go of the fact that the circles will be far from perfect. It is more important that the kids do this themselves!

Because I want to encourage word and letter recognition, I wrote the words "plate", "bowl" and "cup" on their shapes. (I also cut out and labeled the forks and spoons because the fine motor skills just aren't there yet in my kids for that kind of tiny cutting. Again, just do them at night and have them ready for craft time.)

The kids then glued all the pieces where they belong on the placemats. We took the placemats to Office Max and had them laminated.

The finished projects have a home in a low cabinet in the kitchen along with kid plates, bowls, forks and spoons, and cups! The kids love to set their places and I've crossed a chore off my own dinnertime list!

Now, I do know that one can purchase placemats from some kids catalogs that have place settings on them, but having the kids create their own has given them a sense of ownership. They practiced fine motor skills, weaving, tracing, cutting, and gluing. We spent time together and they love to show off their placemats to anyone who is joining us for dinner!

Lord, give me the patience and wisdom to choose to spend time creating with my kids! Amen

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea! What a great mom you are! If only I were 20 years younger and have you to inspire me with my kids! Well, maybe grandkids down the road! LOL
