Friday, July 31, 2009

Food Allergy Challenges

Any other food allergy moms out there? My children's combined allergies are: peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, wheat, soy, and dairy. Thrown in the mix are various complaints about pineapple and watermelon. While this list may be overwhelming to some of you, especially those who don't face this particular challenge, it is our normal and my kids are very healthy eaters. Frankly, what to eat is no longer our major issue.

So what are the big issues. Well, let's take our recent trip to Sherkston Shores, Ontario. My parents have a site there and they have been seasonal renters for over 30 years. Last year the general store in the park began carrying bags of shelled peanuts AND they have taken the garbage cans off of the beach. This combination almost landed us in the emergency room. (By the way, the hospitals in both Fort Erie and Port Colborne have closed and the nearest hospital is is St. Catherine's Ontario - almost an hour away. They do have socialized health care in Canada...) Anyway, I digress, this post is about our trip to the beach.

When we went to set up our chairs, we kept finding spots that were littered with mounds of peanut shells left on the beach. It took us a while to find a spot that was safe enough for the kids to play. This is the most frustrating part of allergy parenting. the everyday experiences that become potentially deadly to my children. Even though they groom the beaches at Sherkston, and those peanut shells will not be visible tomorrow, they will be lurking under the surface of the sand, waiting for a child do dig them up while making a sand castle.

Allergy moms, I know you will feel my frustration. Non allergy families, please be aware that food products can be deadly to some children. Everyone, follow the golden rule of camping and carry out what you carry in.

Lord, help me to keep my children safe and help the kindness of others to create a safe world for all of our kids. Amen

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spaghetti Yarn Bowls final review

The results were less than impressive. My daughter declared her creation a "yarn plate" and my son said he would rather try a different craft. My team effort with my two year old yielded a fair result, but he was more interested in the ball we used as a mold.

It was fun as a process, but they took too long to dry and they did not turn out anything like the picture in the magazine. Check back for reviews on more crafts to come!

New mom memories

I spoke with a friend of mine who is a new mom. Her baby is 6 weeks old and they have been through breastfeeding nightmares together. Mom developed a MRSA infection in her breast, had to have surgery and still persevered in order to pump and bottle feed. Yet, Mom told me tonight that she "feels like a failure as a mother".

She said she is "so tired" and barely has time to brush her teeth, let alone sleep when the baby sleeps, as so often is the advice doled out to new parents. "I wish she could just tell me what she needs!" she sighed as the baby fussed in the background. I was immediately reminded of my days as a new mom. (I now have four kids and that blessed memory blurring of the late night feedings and zombie-like new mom state.)

New moms, let me say this to you: things will get clearer. You will be able to decipher your baby's cries . You will get sleep someday. You will wear makeup again and recognize that woman in the mirror as the savvy, classy gal that you are. In the meantime, ask for help, accept help that is offered, sleep when your husband will let you (because he needs to bond with the baby too), and remember that God is with you every moment. He has gifted you with this little crying bundle because He believed, in all His wisdom, that YOU were the best choice for your child.

Lord, let me listen with your ears to the needs of my children. Give me the grace to be the mother You desire me to be. You, Lord, are my strength. Lend me your patience. Thank you for the life you have given me. Amen

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Glue Still Wet!!!

Well hot mamas, the spaghetti yarn bowls have not yet been deemed a success. The glue is STILL wet!

In other news, my oldest son just got his first "big boy" bike with training wheels. Thus far he's had tricycles and a kettle car "pedal go-kart". To see him on a big boy bike was amazing! He wiped out three or four times trying to make the turn onto the sidewalk, but he just hopped back on and tried again. I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming and yet I am teary when I look hard and can't see any baby left in him. I hope I have the strength to let him "wipeout" and pick himself up, while I stand ready to help should he need it. I pray that he meets life's challenges with the enthusiasm he showed getting back on that new bike. I'm so grateful for the gifts that God has given me and my husband in our children. This morning, as I hear the sound of Geotracks coming from across the hall, I am deeply thankful for my family. (Even though the glue hasn't dried on those darn yarn bowls!)

Hot mamas, go hug your kids. No matter the messes they make, the tantrums they throw, they are gifts to you, entrusted to your care because God thought YOU would be the best mom for them.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Spaghetti yarn bowls

Today, after too many rainy days indoors, we decided to try the "spaghetti yarn bowl" craft from "Family Fun" magazine. Yesterday we headed to the craft store so each of the children (ages 5,4,and 2) could choose their own color yarn. We proceeded to sharpen everyone's scissor skills by cutting 60 of the 80 recommended yard long pieces of yarn. This was as far as we got before Daddy came home and it was time for dinner.

This morning, I set up the craft table with four smooth playground balls anchored in bowls and gave my mess makers bowls of glue and their piles of yarn. The two year old lasted about 4 minutes before the feel of glue on his fingers became so distressing to him that he asked Mama to finish for him. My four year old hung in there quite a bit longer, but did ask for her pieces of yarn to be cut shorter. They were a little too long for her to manipulate. (I would suggest cutting the yarn no longer than 24 inches. ) My five year old son had a blast! He loved the smooth gluey feeling on his fingers and had great fun looping the yarn on his ball. I found it very relaxing too! I'm pretty excited to see how my team effort with my two year old turns out!

Tomorrow, when the glue dries, I'll give my full review of this craft. My initial impressions are fair, but we'll have to see the end result!

Now, I wonder how long it will take me to scrub the glue off of everything?