Sunday, July 26, 2009

Glue Still Wet!!!

Well hot mamas, the spaghetti yarn bowls have not yet been deemed a success. The glue is STILL wet!

In other news, my oldest son just got his first "big boy" bike with training wheels. Thus far he's had tricycles and a kettle car "pedal go-kart". To see him on a big boy bike was amazing! He wiped out three or four times trying to make the turn onto the sidewalk, but he just hopped back on and tried again. I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming and yet I am teary when I look hard and can't see any baby left in him. I hope I have the strength to let him "wipeout" and pick himself up, while I stand ready to help should he need it. I pray that he meets life's challenges with the enthusiasm he showed getting back on that new bike. I'm so grateful for the gifts that God has given me and my husband in our children. This morning, as I hear the sound of Geotracks coming from across the hall, I am deeply thankful for my family. (Even though the glue hasn't dried on those darn yarn bowls!)

Hot mamas, go hug your kids. No matter the messes they make, the tantrums they throw, they are gifts to you, entrusted to your care because God thought YOU would be the best mom for them.

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